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Writer's pictureMücahit HAZAR


Expressions such as ST37 , ST42 , and ST52 used in sheet metals refer to steel classes that specify the strength and mechanical properties of the material. This classification is generally based on DIN norms, and each class defines the basic properties of the steel, such as yield strength. For example :

Purpose of Use of ST:

The abbreviation "ST" used in steel material classifications comes from the word "Stahl" and means "steel" in German. The ST expression is often used to indicate the mechanical and chemical properties of steel in DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) standards.

  • Indicates the class of steel.

  • Defines the intended use (e.g. structural steel, engineering steel).

  • Refers to standardized features.

1. ST37 (S235)

  • Strength: Minimum yield strength is 235 MPa. It has a tensile strength of approximately 37 kgf/mm² (360-370 MPa).

  • Features: Low carbon content, easy to form and weld.

  • Areas of Use: Used in structural steels (e.g. building steel constructions), pipes, profiles, and sheet materials.


  • Strength: Yield strength is around 270-280 MPa. It has a tensile strength of around 42 kgf/mm² (360-370 MPa).

  • Features: Offers slightly higher strength and durability than ST37.

  • Areas of Use: It is preferred in structures requiring medium strength.

3. ST52 (S355)

  • Strength: Minimum yield strength is 355 MPa. It has a tensile strength of approximately 52 kgf/mm² (360-370 MPa).

  • Features: It has higher strength than ST37 and ST42. Therefore, the same load carrying capacity can be provided with thinner sections.

  • Areas of Use: It is preferred in heavy load-bearing structures, bridges, crane structures, machine parts, and heavy industry applications.

General Features:

  • ST37 is generally preferred in lightweight structures because it is a lower strength but more flexible material.

  • ST52 can carry heavier loads and is more durable thanks to its high strength.

  • ST42 has a strength between these two classes.



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